Privacy Policy


Thank you for visiting the website of QUINTUM OÜ. This Privacy Policy is governed by the provisions of the Cybersecurity Act, the Public Information Act, and the Personal Privacy Protection Act. Current Privacy Policy describes methods of ensuring discretion with respect to information received from the User of this website. The Service Provider acknowledges that when visiting the QUINTUM OÜ website, the confidence of individuals and companies in the safe handling of their personal data is fundamental.

This Privacy Policy describes what data is collected and how it is used. Since the provisions described below apply only to this website, we recommend that you study the Privacy Policy of any other website, including websites of other state bodies, to which the User follows the links when using the QUINTUM OÜ website.

This page is used to inform website visitors about our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. The Policy applies to all personal data and information that QUINTUM OÜ may receive from the User while using the website. The use of this website by the User means their unconditional acceptance of this Policy and the conditions for processing their Personal data specified therein. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must immediately stop using the website.

This Privacy Policy applies to all customers using the QUINTUM OÜ website. Moreover, if the User uses our Service, they agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The personal data that we collect is used to improve our service and the functionality of the website offered to the User.

Please note that QUINTUM OÜ will not be able to effectively serve the User or offer its services to the User if they decide not to share this information. Any unsolicited information from the User is provided voluntarily and will not be transferred to anyone, except as described in this Privacy Policy.


QUINTUM OÜ automatically collects some technical information when visiting the website in order to provide the User with the best experience. The Service Provider collects and stores only those Personal data and information that are necessary for the full use of the website, including for:

The Service Provider uses Google Analytics web measurement technology to automatically track how the User interacts with QUINTUM OÜ, including which websites they come from, what they do on the website and whether they performed any predefined tasks while on this website. Aggregated data is used to improve our user experience and meet the needs of our customers; track operational issues and visitor numbers; prevent fraud and improve efficiency; and provide security and integrity of the website. For each page visited, QUINTUM OÜ collects and stores only the following technical information:

This site does not track information about people and does not share this data with anyone outside QUINTUM OÜ, except for cases when it is necessary for law enforcement purposes.


We value the confidentiality of our Users, therefore we strive to take the necessary organisational and technical measures in order to ensure the protection of the User’s information from illegal actions of third parties, such as destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, etc. It should be noted that 100% secure data transmission over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. QUINTUM OÜ asks to be aware of the responsibility for independently adopting security measures to protect the User’s personal information.

The service provider restricts employees’ access to the User’s personal information (taken from the website) only to those employees who need access to information in the performance of their official duties. Employees with access to this information must comply with appropriate procedures with respect to any disclosure of the user information as part of our continued commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.


From time to time, QUINTUM OÜ may revise this Privacy Policy in order to make changes to our methods of collecting and using personal data or changes due to amendments to legislation. Our Privacy Policy is subject to change without any special notice to the User. Therefore, we advise the User to periodically review this page for changes. If this Privacy Policy is significantly changed, this will be announced by posting on the website. To collect personal information from the User that is not provided for in this Privacy Policy, the Service Provider will ask for consent before using user information. Changes take effect immediately upon posting.

The latest Privacy Policy incorporates elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as we operate in accordance with its rules for the processing of personal information in the European Economic Area (EEA).


The service provider will only store the User’s personal data for as long as it is necessary to complete tasks, including compliance with any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

The User’s information is stored in accordance with the internal rules of the website and is processed using automated systems, except for cases where manual processing is necessary in connection with the fulfillment of legal requirements.

The service provider may anonymise the User’s personal data for research or statistical purposes. We can also use anonymous information for an unlimited time without further notice to the User.

With regard to the User’s personal data, its confidentiality is preserved, except for cases of voluntary provision by the User of information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons.


Anonymised data of website visitors, such as cookies, is stored in our database for exactly 26 months. During the allotted period of time, the Google Analytics will analyse the behavior of website visitors for statistical purposes. The personal information of the forms filled out on the website, where the User enters their contact information, can be deleted at the request of the User.


QUINTUM OÜ may have to transfer the User’s information to third parties. In such a case, the Service Provider requires that all parties respect the security of the User’s personal data and treat them in accordance with the law. We do not allow our third party service providers to use our customers’ personal information for their own purposes. They have the right to process user personal data only for the specified purposes in accordance with the instructions of QUINTUM OÜ.

The website has the right to transfer the User’s information to third parties in the following cases:


QUINTUM OÜ contains links to other websites.

This Privacy Policy applies only to QUINTUM OÜ and does not apply to other government services and transactions to which we link. These services have their own Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

If the User navigates to another website from the QUINTUM OÜ website, it is recommended to read the Privacy Policy on this website.

If the User navigates to the website of QUINTUM OÜ from another website, the Service Provider receives personal information from the other website. In the Privacy Policy of the website from which the User came, the Terms of Use of personal information in this case are described in detail.


The consent to the processing of information expressed by the User by joining this Privacy Policy is valid indefinitely but can be withdrawn at any time on the basis of a personal statement sent to the Service Provider.

The User can send a discretionary inquiry to QUINTUM OÜ to find out which personal information related to this User has been collected through the website.


The Disclaimer presented in this Privacy Policy should not be construed as offering business, legal or other advice, proof of company insolvency or guaranteed security of processing user data. The information provided on this website is intended to provide immediate access to information open to the public. Even though every attempt is made to provide the User with relevant and verified information, QUINTUM OÜ recognises the factor of human/mechanical error. By relying on this, the Service Provider represented by the company makes no statements about the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented on this website and denies any implicit or explicit user warranties in this respect.

The information provided on this website is not exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. And although the Service Provider makes every effort to provide verified data and up-to-date information published on our website, such materials in no way constitute professional advice.

The Disclaimer section applies to all persons reading any material or social media published by QUINTUM OÜ. Please note that this section may be changed or updated at any time.

All website materials are for informational purposes only. The content of the texts is not sponsored advertising, therefore, does not constitute an invitation or inducement to any investment activity.

All documentation published on the website is not a formal agreement of any kind, and the information provided here is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without any preliminary notice.